Our Services
Client - Jacobs/Langfields
The Need:
A robotic welding system has been developed to seal nuclear containers. To allow the system to be demonstrated to clients in facilities close to their sites, a method of moving the welding robot and the test pieces after commissioning was required.
The frame was required to be transported around the UK and moved in/out of premises. This required it to be capable of being lifted and shifted. Also, required was a method of transporting the welding control unit and the tungsten chiller seperately.
The Solution:
Both the frame and the smaller skid were comprised of Parallel Flange Channel (PFC) lengths welded to form a frame. A steel plate was mounted in the centre of the frame for the robot and the test piece stool.
The frame incoporated cut-outs for moving using a forklift truck or lifting with an overhead crane using several lifting points as well as levelling feet. In addition to the frame a smaller skid was also provided to allow the support equipment to be moved safely. This smaller skid also incorporated forklift access and lifting points.
Supporting documentation including a Lifting Plan and Designers Risk Assessment.
Engineering Support for Nuclear Manufacture
Client - CAL International
The Need:
A design engineering client had been requested by a large nuclear client to replace their own nuclear specific client standards in their drawings with BS EN standards.
The Solution:
Metamic Engineering proposed producing a single manufacturing specification covering all aspects of fabrication, machining, and welding with austenitic stainless steel for nuclear applications.
This had the advantages of locating the information in a single document as well as allowing particular aspects of manufacturing quality control to be explained rather than simply referencing a standard.
As a result of this specification, the manufacturer had a greater understanding of the client's requirements and how to achieve them.
Engineering Support for Nuclear Manufacture
Client - Langfields
The Need:
The client was undertaking a program of manufacture for a number of specialist vessels for the nuclear industry. Although the vessels did not represent a manufacturing or fabrication challenge, the nature of the end user was such that there was a requirement for additional engineering support to demonstrate that the high quality of the fabrication required had been achieved. This had to be demonstrated for the internal vessel structure and components as well as the external features.
The Support:
Metamic Engineering provided support with internal vessel inspections post fabrication and hydro testing, these included:
All inspections were recorded and submitted as part of the Life-Time Quality Records (LTR).
Design Modifications and Verification Calculations
Client - Jacobs
The Need:
The client had a vessel supported by a steel framework which was to be used as part of a retrievals project. The steel framework had been in place for some time but there were no design drawings or records to demonstrate that the structure was safe or that it met modern standards. Therefore, a review of the steel framework was required to assess the loads applied and its compliance with modern standards.
The Solution:
Metamic Engineering took the existing 3D model of the steel framework and modified it to improve the design to ensure it met the requirements of current standards. In addition, a structural hand calculation was supplied to verify that the steel framework was capable of supporting the applied load in accordance with BS EN 1993-1 Eurocode 3.
As a result of this work, the client could use the vessel to develop their retrievals equipment without impacting their project delivery timescales.